We've all probably have asked ourselves about what would happen if machines would mix or bond with our own human DNA, but have we really thought about what would happen if this had already happened? Well, the answer isn't simple, but we can probably predict that we are not far of creating the cyborgs we see in science fiction stories. As Michael Anissimov explains in his article, people with pacemakers, cochlear implantscd, or heart pumps are already cyborgs since this is already a mix between a body and a machine. Although these aren't major advancements when thinking about cyborgs, scientists are already in the making of artificial ears, noses, eyes, bones and even organs. These inventions would be useful to make a blind person see again or make a person on a wheel chair be able to walk again, and we will be able to benefit from these by giving us a greater life span and by having a very good humanitarian value.

Michael's article is a reliable article I suppose, since he has studied to be a science/technology writer and a "futurist". I also believe his article is reliable since he has contributed about 1,600 articles and had about 68 million hits in 2008. He then made a blog of his own named accelerating future, which has had about 5 million hits already. Although he normally just does educated guesses about what will happen in the future (futurist), this is probably one of the few ways of predicting the future and I believe that by researching a lot and by having good evidence, an educated guess could be very near to what will happen next. Michael predicts that somewhere by 2030 and 2040, we will have already created artificial body parts, since we already have a lot of advanced technology that can be used for these purposes. Examples that he used in his article are how we already have printers which print skin tissue cell by cell or even synthetic bones. Although these aren't as strong as natural skin, this is a great advancement for human society and at the exponential rate that we're improving technology, Michael guesses that with all the funds that are being directed towards the case we will have "science fiction cyborgs" in no time. He also mentions many of the benefits of this new kind of technology, showing how he agrees with this advancement.

Another important fact about Michael is that he seems to be more biased towards creating new body parts other than saying this would be a negative aspect towards society. Others might think that replacing our organs would be contradicting the laws of nature and that we humans are made to be born, to live and then to perish instead of just trying to live forever. I personally think that it would be beneficial for society to create such apparatuses but to an extent, for if we surpass this limit we would be living too much and society would have a dramatic change in every aspect.

I believe that this advancement will actually be good for society because people will be able to live longer and would help people with severe injuries or illness. Also, this new technology is still inevitable since us humans only want to continue on advancing in any possible way and we will try to attain inmortality for as long as we live. My opinion towards this topic is very similar to the one of Michael, since I do believe we are making such a big progress in society that we will eventually be commercializing artificial body parts and who knows? probably we will continue developing this and finally create a completely artificial body with an artificial mind: one that would think for itself, one that would have artificial intelligence.


An Actual Cyborg Video: http://www.silicon.com/videos/features/2010/02/08/artificial-intelligence-ex-cyborg-kevin-warwick-on-mixing-man-and-machine-60996180/