Some people such as Bill Gates predict many things of our future. One of these things is how he predicts that by 2025 we will be able to buy a robot to do our chores at home and maintain our house neat and organized without effort at all. Although these robots won't be as most us picture them (shaped as a human with hands and feet), they'll be extremely revolutionary when thinking about technological innovation. Examples of robots already made are the TASER, the Quirl, and James the Robot. They include many interesting and important advancements: the TASER can open doors, grasps objects, and operate light switches; the Quirl, weighing 600 grams and having the size of a credit card, has the ability to wash windows automatically operating vertically; and James is the first robot to follow one of Asimov's Laws of Robotics, "a robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm".

The article doesn't show an specific author, but it mentions that the information used in it is from ICT Results; an editorial service created for the European Commission to showcase EU-funded ICT research and activities. The article though, doesn't seem all that reliable since it doesn't show that the source (ICT) has correct information. Also in ICT's web page, they don't give much background about so I wouldn't know if they've lend their information to many or few other articles. The article also seems biased towards the U.S, since they've only put information on how the U.S has advanced in technology instead of also including other countries. The author also bases his information on Bill Gates, again mentioning the U.S only. Predictions include how Gates plus the author guess that in 15 years we will use this new kind of technology in everyday life.

I believe that "robotic butlers" will aid our society a lot, because it will permit us to escape from house chores for example, therefore letting us work on something more important. As all technological advancements, I do believe this new kind of technology will both benefit us but harm us as well. If we do not control our minds and create an robot with intelligence equivalent to the humans', there is a chance our world would end in a Terminator-ish kind of way. Still, my guesses towards this topic is that with the exponential advancements we're making, we will be careful not to surpass the limits and we'll make robots something better for our society, not mattering if they are used to clean windows or even to discover new planets.