Artificial Intelligence has and will influence many things, but have we really thought how it will influence music? Today, some programmers program robots into playing jazz for example or even rock, but all of this is still programming. Yes, this is impressive although there are some things that are being created today that create a greater sense of surprise and even fear. Improvisation is something human, since we all can improvise in some way, but a robot making this and in the music industry? Well, that isn't normal. Another important thing that the user Weedback mentions is the Turing Test that is being applied to society today. This test consists of some judges, a robot and a human. With this, the judges ask questions to both the robot and the human without knowing which answer belongs to which, and the idea is that if the robot fools more or equal than 30% of the judges, it passes the test. Up until today no robot has passed the test, but they're getting very close. For example in the music industry, some robots today are able to improvise notes and rhythms adding up into a song and sounding extremely similar to a human being. With this we can notice how even music can be controlled by robots in the future and how the art of it can be lost in the blink of an eye.

The author simply mentions that it's not bad to continue developing on artificial intelligence, but it should have its limits. The new inventions today seem to bother him, since he describes this as "mind-boggling and disturbing". The reliability of this article isn't that strong, since it is also a blog. Blogs can reflect anyone's opinions and thoughts about anything, therefore they don't give much background of the authors and sources, but it's still a good thing to analyze them since they have good stuff to look at. The bias of the article's author pretty much balanced. At the introduction to his thesis, he mentions that he loves robots but then criticizes their misuse in society.

My reaction towards this topic is intriguing, since I find the music industry extremely interesting. Music technology involving recorders, synthesizers, etc. have always caught my attention and this I found even more interesting. Although people could say that robots will probably surpass the human brain capacity, I believe that this term is much different to human creativity. Music is an art, and an art cannot be painted by a mere robot, but it has to be created from the heart, from inspiration and from experience. Robots will not have these tools in order to attain this creativity and therefore I believe they will not surpass our brains when taking about these terms.